Sonible Proximity Eq Vs Izotope Rx

RX 7 From $399. IZotope’s RX 7 range has spectral editing capabilities that are on a par with SpectraLayers’, and has an added ‘Repair Assistant’ which contains modules for tackling a wide range of correction tasks. RX 7 can also overlay the conventional amplitude-domain graph over the spectral graph, which makes the FFT easier to. This page lists 2018’s promotions for audio plugins (VST/AU/AAX, etc), virtual instruments & sample libraries, synth presets, and other audio software and hardware. If you want to see currently active deals instead, check here! You can type keywords in the input box below to filter the results. Disclosure: Some of the links on this page. Yes Laurentius, I don't use Logic, but I noticed that in Izotope RX (6), it really moves the audio information to the right, quite a lot. Never experienced that before (I use Cubase and PT regularly, but didn't check these yet, RX is my main editing/premixing platform). I told them in a support form. I know the linear phase topology induces.

Smart:EQ + is part of the EQ + series by sonible. The three linear-phase equalizer plug-ins of the series – smart:EQ +, proximity:EQ +, and entropy:EQ + – boast special features that far exceed conventional equalizing technologies. A new approach to EQing. With its new EQ + series, sonible is taking the next big step in its product.

Sonible Frei:raum EQ Plugin Package · Source:

Sonible Smart EQ Plugin · Source:

Sonible Proximity EQ Plugin · Source:

Sonible Entropy EQ Plugin · Source:


Frequency equalisation must be one of the oldest tricks in the handbook of producers and engineers. However, this year has already seen several manufacturers approach it quite differently, offering new and interesting methods. Frei:raum by Sonible is the latest collection of EQ tools, which offer an entirely new way to apply EQ. They claim you can create a perfect spectral balance, hone reverberant recordings or emphasise dynamics in a tonal fashion. Sounds interesting…

Frei:raum includes 3 EQ plug-ins; Smart EQ, Proximity EQ and Entropy EQ. There are some really interesting prospects on offer here, which has taken me some time to understand (no thanks to their brief website and promo videos). Apparently these plug-ins claim to be linear phase too, which, if true, makes for a very creditable release. Whilst there’s a lot to be applauded here and some of this tech looks quite exciting, I remain sceptical until I try them for myself. What do you think?

Smart EQ

In a very loose manner, I suppose you could liken Smart EQ to iZotope’s latest offering, ‘Neutron‘. The significant difference being the target these plug-ins are trying to achieve. Neutron attempts to take your mix as a whole into consideration, where Smart EQ is presumably looking to achieve a theoretical ‘flat frequency response’ on a source by source basis. The idea here, in ‘smart’ mode, is that the plug-in will calculate a more desirable EQ curve to achieve what it is you’re entering manually. It takes about 10 seconds for the plug-in to learn what the source sounds like. Presumably, it then compares that to a flat response. From there, it will attenuate a curve based on your input, that is supposedly more appropriate to that source. Clever stuff, and apparently very quick to use too.

On the face of it, this looks really clever and some demo’s I’ve heard sound very effective. Is it musical, though? Although I love the idea, the jury is out on that one. I have two questions for Sonible: if the plug-in takes 10 seconds to learn the source signal, why not have a continually updating detector so the curve changes and improves with the audio? For example, a vocalist might back-off the mic at one point, but the EQ could compensate for a loss in warmth. (I’m thinking back to the Surfer EQ 2 release in September this year.)

Secondly, they claim all these EQ’s are linear phase, which is quite impressive. But the second question would be: isn’t it common knowledge that the more detailed an EQ curve becomes, the harder it is to achieve linearity? At least, it can be a contributing factor towards adding extreme amounts of latency. I wonder what the latency/delay compensation of this plug-in is, or if it is in fact linear.

Proximity EQ

This is a much simpler EQ plug-in to understand. In short, it enables you to alter the amount of direct source with the captured ‘space’ that is found on the recording. For example, you can use it to dry out a signal and therefore that element in your mix should appear closer. Alternatively it could be used to emphasise the natural reverberant sound on a recording rather than adding a reverb plug-in. Of course, being an EQ-based plug-in, this technique can be added anywhere in the frequency spectrum. iZotope’s De-reverb plug-in can do something similar, but not with this level of ‘ease-of-use’.

Entropy EQ

Finally, the red coloured plug-in in the Frei:ruam RGB spectrum is Entropy. This can be used in a similar, but perhaps more musical fashion than a transient designer. Effectively it allows you to work with the attacks and sustains across the frequency spectrum. Again, this year we saw Sonnox release Envolution, which can also work with transients at different frequencies. The difference here however, is the 8-band EQ approach and the detection of the plug-in. Apparently, it doesn’t just look for differing dynamics in the source material, but also considers the harmonic content of the attacks and sustains. This could be the most exciting of the 3, falling in-line with mixing trends of today.

More Information

Head over to the Sonible website for some more information on these new plug-ins. However, just like their videos above, the site doesn’t offer a huge amount of info. To really understand what was on offer here, I had to spend some time perusing YouTube demos. Available directly or via the likes of Thomann, Frei:raum will set you back around 230 GBP. Quite pricy I think for modern plug-ins, but I suppose you are getting 3-in-1.

Sonible SmartEQ2 1-0 VST-VST3-AAX WiN x86 x64…Smart:EQ 2 mejora el detalle, la claridad y la transparencia de sus mezclas después de solo unos pocos ajustes. Experimenta un flujo de trabajo de mezcla más rápido que nunca. Smart:EQ 2 analiza su material de audio y genera una curva de filtro personalizada para crear un balance tonal de sonido natural. Agregue claridad a sus mezclas, agregue más fuerza a las pistas individuales o extraiga las partes más duras de sus grabaciones vocales, en segundos y con una precisión sin precedentes.

Refine su flujo de trabajo de producción de audio con el diseño de interfaz superintuitivo de smart:EQ 2. Alcance sus objetivos de mezcla en menos tiempo sin sacrificar la calidad del sonido. Las opciones adicionales de procesamiento M / S le permiten controlar completamente el espacio sonoro de sus pistas. Por último, pero no menos importante, los filtros de sonido musical y natural de smart:EQ 2 lo convierten en su nuevo EQ go-to. Smart:EQ 2 incluye nuevos perfiles para el procesamiento de audio sensible al contenido. Elija el perfil para la fuente de sonido con la que está trabajando. El smart: filtro se adaptará a las características de la señal. Edita, crea, guarda y comparte tus propios perfiles personalizados. Construye tu biblioteca personal y transfiere perfiles a tus amigos y socios. Smart:EQ 2 se convierte en una herramienta adaptada a su estilo de mezcla personal.

Sonible SmartEQ2 1-0 VST-VST3-AAX WiN x86 x64

  • Sonible smart:filter technology
  • NEW: Pro interface update & M/S processing
  • Custom profiles – Create, save, share
  • Speech mode
  • Revolutionary learning ability powered by smart:engineTM
  • A.I. filter automatically corrects tonal imbalances
  • NEW: Mid/Side, streamlined interface, instrument profiles
  • Groundbreaking A.I. technology for transparent mixes
  • VST-VST3-AAX WiNDOWS 32bit y 64bit


smart:EQ 2 enhances detail, clarity and transparency of your mixes after only a few tweaks. Experience a mixing workflow faster than ever before. smart:EQ 2 analyzes your audio material and generates a custom filter curve to create a natural sounding tonal balance. Add clarity to your mixes, more punch to single tracks or carve out the harsh parts of your vocal recordings – in seconds and with unprecedented precision.

Refine your audio production workflow with the updated super-intuitive interface design of smart:EQ 2. Reach your mixing goals in less time without sacrificing sound quality. Additional M/S processing options allow you to fully control the sonic space of your tracks. Last but not least, the musical and natural sounding filters of smart:EQ 2 turn it into your new go-to EQ. smart:EQ 2 includes new profiles for content-aware audio processing. Choose the profile for the sound source you are working with. The smart:filter will adapt to the characteristics of the signal. Edit, create, save and share your own custom made profiles. Build your personal library and transfer profiles to your friends and partners. smart:EQ 2 becomes a tool tailored to your personal mixing style.


Sonible Proximity Eq Vs Izotope Rx 4

Sonible SmartEQ2 1-0 VST-VST3-AAX WiN x86 x64

Sonible Proximity Eq Vs Izotope Rx 1

  • Sonible smart:filter technology
  • NEW: Pro interface update & M/S processing
  • Custom profiles – Create, save, share
  • Speech mode
  • Revolutionary learning ability powered by smart:engineTM
  • A.I. filter automatically corrects tonal imbalances
  • NEW: Mid/Side, streamlined interface, instrument profiles
  • Groundbreaking A.I. technology for transparent mixes
  • VST WiNDOWS 32bit y 64bit


  • Instalamos el plugin (puede que tengamos que desactivar SmartScreen de Windows)
  • Seleccionamos nuestra versión y crpeta de destino
  • Listos, comprobado en Ableton Live (VST64bit) y Pro Tools (AAX 64bit)

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SmartEQ2 1.0.2 VST-VST3-AAX WiNDOWS x86 x64

Sonible Proximity Eq Vs Izotope Rx

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Sonible Proximity Eq Vs Izotope Rx 2

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